Garfield Public Preschool Annex 1

Welcome to Garfield Public
    Preschool Annex 1 (GPPA1)

February 2025

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

While February may be a shorter month, there is still plenty going on here at GPPA1.  Multi-cultural week will be celebrated the week of 2/3 with fun activities planned for each day including our feast on 2/6 and parade on 2/7.  The 100th day of school will be celebrated on 2/11, and Valentines Day is 2/14.  Please be reminded that schools will be closed for Heritage Week from 2/17 - 2/21. 

Students will remain inside for both drop off and pick up on very cold days or inclement weather days.  Staff will assist bringing your child to you at the door.  Continue to line up by grade level (PK 3 and PK 4).  I also want to thank you for your cooperation and patience during these times. 
We still look to bring the children outside for gross motor activities when the weather cooperates so please dress your little ones accordingly.  

Please check your child's backpack daily for notices being sent home.  We will also post updates on this webpage, via email, Instagram, and Remind messaging. Please remember that my door is always open if you have any questions or concerns. You may reach me at the number below or via email.

David Nelke
Principal, GPPA1
[email protected]
973-253-6600 x1515

GPPA1 February Calendar

GPPA1 February Calendar

Re-Registration for all students returning 2025-2026 School Year
The Garfield school district is conducting a re-registration for all students planning to return for the 2025-2026 school year.  Information for re-registration can be found on the district website,, and by clicking on the Re-Registration link. Here is the link below:
Re-Registration is ongoing and must be completed by June 30th.

Safety Reminders:

Please try to get your child here on time in the morning at 8:05. Always walk with your child in the parking lot during both drop off and pick up. At indoor drop off, please be sure you see an adult to take your child safely to his/her class. 

Registration for new incoming students is on-going. You must be a Garfield resident, and your child must turn 3 years old by October 1st. Please click on this link for pre-registration for 2024-2025 school year:




Weekly Newsletters - Bobbie Noonan's Child Care

Check out our latest  Go to Smore home page.  Newsletter.

Click on the link below:



   District Antibullying Coordinator

Jessica Ribaudo-Piskuloski
500 Palisade Ave
Garfield, NJ 07026
973.340.5000 ext. 2150

School Anti-bullying Specialist: GPPA1

Brigid Caffrey
464 Outwater Lane
Garfield, NJ 07026
[email protected]
973-253-6600 ext. 1517

School Climate State Coordinator

Contact Information: [email protected]

Guidance for Parents: