Welcome to Garfield Public
Preschool Annex 1 (GPPA1)
November 2024
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
As the weather continues to cool down throughout the month of November, please dress your children accordingly. Please be reminded that all classes go outside twice daily, once in the morning and afternoon. November also has several days off from school and a couple of One-Session Days, please refer to your school calendars. Also check your GPPA1 school calendars sent home and posted below to see when events are planned. Please check your child's backpack daily for notices being sent home. We will also post updates on this webpage, via email, Instagram, and Remind messaging. Please remember that my door is always open if you have any questions or concerns. You may reach me at the number below or via email.
David Nelke
Principal, GPPA1
[email protected]
973-253-6600 x1515
GPPA1 November Calendar
Safety Reminders:
Please try to get your child here on time in the morning at 8:05. Always walk with your child in the parking lot during both drop off and pick up. At indoor drop off, please be sure you see an adult to take your child safely to his/her class.
Registration for new incoming students is on-going. You must be a Garfield resident, and your child must turn 3 years old by October 1st. Please click on this link for pre-registration for 2024-2025 school year: