Garfield Preschool Attendance Policy
Regular school attendance is an important factor in children's social and cognitive development. It can provide children with various enriching opportunities and experiences that are beneficial to their social development and relationships with peers and adults. Excessive absenteeism whether sporadic or consistent can have long term affects on a child's educational path starting in the preschool. Chronic absenteeism sets the stage for poor attendance and inability to successfully do grade-level work in later grades. Regular attendance and promptness is essential to maintaining academic growth.
Policy and Procedure
Should a student be absent or tardy for any reason, it is the parent or guardian’s responsibility to call the school to report the absence or anticipated late arrival prior to 8:15. The number to call to report absences is (enter phone number).
The Garfield Preschool Attendance Committee monitors excessive absences and tardiness. Students who have a pattern of excessive absences or tardiness will be placed on attendance probation.
Whenever possible, please supply the school nurse with any doctor’s note you may that explains your child’s absence. Again, it is mandatory that parents/guardians contact the school to notify the school nurse or secretary of your child’s absence.
The school day begins at 8:05 and students are expected to arrive on time. Students arriving after 8:20 are considered tardy. If a student is late to school, he/she must obtain a late slip from the school Safety Officer in order to gain admittance to class. Please be reminded that every tardy is a loss of valuable instructional time for your child and every effort must be made to have your child arrive on time.
The following guidelines have been set in place to insure attendance policies are consistently applied:
First Warning: Letter received after 6 unexcused absences/tardiness
Second Warning: Letter received after 12 unexcused absences; meeting with school social worker must take place to discuss the reasons for excessive absences/tardiness.
Final Warning: Letter received once your child has had 20 or more absences/tardiness. After 20 days, your child’s attendance record will be reviewed by the Attendance Committee with possible dismissal of your child from the program. Additionally, after 20 days tardy, your child will not be accepted into school if they arrive after 8:20.
Truancy officers will be notified:
When a student is absent 3 consecutive days without contact to the school After the second notice regarding excessive absences/tardiness
If attempts to reach the family and child are unsuccessful after 3 days, the district will continue with efforts to contact the family. If a child's welfare is in question, the Department Children and Families and/or law enforcement will be contacted.
Early Release Policy
Parents requesting early release of their child before the school day has ended MUST send a written request in advance noting the date, time, reason and who will be picking up the student. Any student who is going to be picked up early will be waiting in the main office at the time requested.
Under no circumstances will any student be permitted to leave the school unless accompanied by an adult with proper identification. Students will only be released with the approval of the school Principal.
If there is an emergency that comes up during the day and you need to pick your child up early, you MUST call the school secretary to make the school aware of the situation. If you do not contact the school prior to early pick up, you will be turned away.
No one will be permitted to enter the school building between the hours of 2:00 and 2:25 without the Principal’s approval. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS POLICY.
Any student
leaving the preschool program for more than 5 consecutive days for any reason other than
the child’s illness will be removed from the program. It is not permitted for
a student to leave the program for a family vacation/emergency without
jeopardizing his/her spot in the classroom. All returning students will be
required to reproof residency and placement will not be guaranteed. In the event of an
extended illness, the parent must provide the school with a note from the
doctor covering all days of the absence. All anticipated absences must be
reported to the main office to complete paperwork.
Illness Policy
to keep your child home from school:
-Illness during the night
-Fever is present (99.6 degrees or over). Child should be free from fever for 24 hours prior to returning to school.
-Nausea, Vomiting or Diarrhea - child should be free from nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea for 24 hours prior to returning to school.
-Development of rash on face and/or body.
-Inflamed, red, itchy eyes with a discharge.
If any of
the above symptoms are detected by the school nurse, your child will be sent